Sunday, May 24, 2015

BV1 Chapter 8.


Une valise = a suitcase.

Un écran = A screen.

Atterrir = Take off.

Dormir = To sleep.

Un vol = A flight.


Les verbes en -ir au présent

- Ir verbs are regular verbs that end in -ir.
   - They conjugated differently than -er verbs.
   - The  first step is to remove the endings and find the stem, then you add -is , -is, -it, -issons, -issez,    -issent.

See the table below for a few examples.

Quel et tout

- Quel can mean "what" or "which" depending on where it is used.
   - It is oftent used in asking questions.

- Every form of Quel is pronounced the same, but changes spelling between masucline and feminine singular forms, and plural (m) and plural (f).

- The word tout + le/la mean the whole or the entire.
- The masculine form for singular and plural is prounounced the same.
- The Feminin version for singular and plural also share the same pronounciation.

- See the chart below for differences in spelling.

NOTE : Tout + les = all.
NOTE: Everyone = Tout le monde.

Les verbes sortir, partir, dormir, et servir.

- The verbs sortir, partir, dormir, and servir are all irregular verbs.
   - Each one of them shares very similar conjugations.
   - All of them are window verbs.
- Sortir is to take or to take out, partir is to leave, dormir means to sleep, and servir means to serve

- See the table below for the conjugations of each of these verbs.


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