Friday, May 22, 2015

BV1 Chapter 6.


Le/la marchand(e) = The merchant.

À la poissonnerie = At the fish shop.

À la boucherie = at the butcher.

À la crémerie = At the dairy store.

À l'épicerie = At the spice shop.

De la viande = some meat.


Le verbe faire au présent

- The verb faire means to make or to do.
   - It is irregular, conjugations are below.
   - Faire is used a lot in french, especially in sayings that do not translate directly.

Le partitif et l'article défini.

- The definite articles le/la/les/l' are all used to talk about something in a general sense.
   - When using du/des/d l'/de la you are saying some of something or any of something.

- I like chicken. ---> I would like some chicken.
- I like meat. ----> I would like some meat.
- I like mineral water. ----> I would like some mineral water.
- I like apples. ----> I would like some apples.

Le partitif au négatif

- After negation, all forms of du/de la/de l'/des turn into de or d'.
   - See the chart below for examples.

Les verbes pouvoir et vouloir.

- Both pouvoir and vouloir are irregular verbs, and are conjugated simularly.
   - Pouvoir means to be able to or to can.
   - Vouloir means to want to or to want.

NOTE : In the negative, you put ne... pas around pouvoir and vouloir.

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