Wednesday, May 20, 2015

BV1 Chapter 1.


un(e) ami(e) = A friend. 

la sœur = Sister.

le frère = Brother.

un élève = A student.

le garçon = the boy.

la fille = the girl.


Les Articles au singulier.

- All nouns in French have genders.
   - Une and un are gender markers.
   - They correspond with a(an) in English.
   - Une accompanies and feminine noun, un accompanies a masculine noun.

- Le and la are also gender markers.
  - They correspond with the in English.
  - Le is masculin, and la is feminine.

L'accord des adjectifs.

- Adjective describe nouns.
   - In French, adjectives must agree with gender and number with the noun it modifies.

- Some  adjectives always end in "E" so they will be the same for both genders.

Le verbe être au singulier.

- Être means to be in French.
   - It is irregular, so it does not follow a conjugation pattern. 

- Je = ITu = You(s), Il = He, Elle = She.

La négation.

- Negating a sentence in French involves the use of two words.
   - You must surround the verd with ne... pas.
   - If the verb starts with a vowel, ne turns into n'.

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