Thursday, May 21, 2015

BV1 Chapter 4.


Le fils/la fille = The son, the daughter.

L'anniversaire = The birthday.

Un gâteau = A cake.

Le père = The Father

La mère = The mother.

La maison = the house.


Le verbe avoir au présent

- Avoir means to have.
- It is irregular and conjugates differently.

NOTE : Avoir is also used to express age.
   - J'ai quatorze ans.

Les adjectifs possessifs

- Possesive adjectives display ownership/possesion of something. 
   - Adjectives agree with what they own, not the person/thing doing the owning.
   - Mon, ton, son, notre, votre, and leur all mean : My, your, his/hers, ours, yours, and their respectively.

D'autres adjectifs

-  Most adjectives in French come after the noun, but some common nouns describing size, beauty, ages, ETC. come before the noun.

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