Wednesday, May 20, 2015

BV1 Chapter 2.


Le/la prof = The teacher.

La classe = The class.

Les matières = The school subjects.

Intelligent = Smart/intelligent.

Sympathique = nice/sympathetic.


Le pluriel: articles, noms et adjectifs

- Un, une, le, la, and l' are all singular markers.
- The plural forms are show below.

- The s at the end of the plural forms is not pronounced.
- When nouns are plural, and adjective modifying it must also be plural.
   - Most adjectives are made plural by adding an s but this s is not pronounced.

Le verbe être au pluriel

- Être means to be.
   - For in depth see Ch.1
   - Plural conjugations included below.

Tu et vous

-Both Tu and Vous mean "you".
   - Tu is informal and singular. 
      - It is used with friends, people you've known for a long time, and is singular.
   - Vous is formal and plural.
      - It is used for people that are higher ranking than you, older by around 20 years, a stranger, or a group of people.

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