Sunday, May 24, 2015

BV1 Chapter 8.


Une valise = a suitcase.

Un écran = A screen.

Atterrir = Take off.

Dormir = To sleep.

Un vol = A flight.


Les verbes en -ir au présent

- Ir verbs are regular verbs that end in -ir.
   - They conjugated differently than -er verbs.
   - The  first step is to remove the endings and find the stem, then you add -is , -is, -it, -issons, -issez,    -issent.

See the table below for a few examples.

Quel et tout

- Quel can mean "what" or "which" depending on where it is used.
   - It is oftent used in asking questions.

- Every form of Quel is pronounced the same, but changes spelling between masucline and feminine singular forms, and plural (m) and plural (f).

- The word tout + le/la mean the whole or the entire.
- The masculine form for singular and plural is prounounced the same.
- The Feminin version for singular and plural also share the same pronounciation.

- See the chart below for differences in spelling.

NOTE : Tout + les = all.
NOTE: Everyone = Tout le monde.

Les verbes sortir, partir, dormir, et servir.

- The verbs sortir, partir, dormir, and servir are all irregular verbs.
   - Each one of them shares very similar conjugations.
   - All of them are window verbs.
- Sortir is to take or to take out, partir is to leave, dormir means to sleep, and servir means to serve

- See the table below for the conjugations of each of these verbs.


BV1 Chapter 7.


Les vêtements sport = Casual clothes.

Un short = Shorts.

Jaune = yellow.

Une basket = Sneakers.

Un polo (À manches longues) = A polo with long sleeves.


Le verbe mettre au présent

- Mettre means to put on or to put.
- It is irregular, so it does not follow a conjugation pattern.
   - It is a window verb, the conjugations on the left have the same stem, and the ones on the right share the same stem.

Le comparitif des adjectifs.

- When comparing two things you use plus (more) ...que, aussi (equal) ...que, and moins (less) ...que.
   - Que in comaparative sentences means "than".

- Some examples are below.

- The jeans are more expensive than the pants.
- The jeans are the same price as the pants.
- The jeans are less expensive than the pants.

Stress Pronouns

Je ---> Moi
Tu ---> Toi
Il ---> Lui
Ils ---> eux

Stress pronouns are used when comparing people, on the four listed above change from their subject forms.

Les verbes voir et croire

- Voir means "to see". It is irregular, and a boot verb.
- Croire means "to believe". It is also an irregular boot verb.
   - A boot verb is a verb that the conjugations for Je, Tu, Il/Elle/On, and Ils/Elles all share the same stem.
   - Voir and Croire are conjugated very similarly.

Friday, May 22, 2015

BV1 Chapter 5.


Un(e) serveu(se)r = The waiter/waitress.

Trouver une table = To look for a table.

De l'argent = Some money.

J'ai faim = I am hungry.

J'ai soif = I am thirsty.


Le verbe aller au présent

- The verb aller meaning to go is an irregular verb.
   - See its conjugations below.

Aller + infinitif

- Using aller + and infinitive describes what will happen in the future.
   - To make a negative sentence, you surround aller with ne... pas

EXAMPLE : Je vais écouter la radio. (I am going to listen to the radio).
EXAMPLE : Tu ne vas pas écouter la radio. (You are not going to listen to the radio).

Les  contractions avec à et de.

- À + le = au
- À + la = à la
- À + les = aux
- À + l' = À l'

- De can mean of, from, or about. De contracts with le and les to form one word.

- De + le = Du
- De + les = Des
- De + la = De la
- De + l' = De l'

Le verbe prendre au présent

- Prendre means to have(with foods) or to take.
   - It is irregular.
   - The conjugations for it are below.

NOTE : The two verbs comprendre (To understand) and apprendre (To learn) are conjugated the same way are prendre, just with ap and com added to the front.

BV1 Chapter 6.


Le/la marchand(e) = The merchant.

À la poissonnerie = At the fish shop.

À la boucherie = at the butcher.

À la crémerie = At the dairy store.

À l'épicerie = At the spice shop.

De la viande = some meat.


Le verbe faire au présent

- The verb faire means to make or to do.
   - It is irregular, conjugations are below.
   - Faire is used a lot in french, especially in sayings that do not translate directly.

Le partitif et l'article défini.

- The definite articles le/la/les/l' are all used to talk about something in a general sense.
   - When using du/des/d l'/de la you are saying some of something or any of something.

- I like chicken. ---> I would like some chicken.
- I like meat. ----> I would like some meat.
- I like mineral water. ----> I would like some mineral water.
- I like apples. ----> I would like some apples.

Le partitif au négatif

- After negation, all forms of du/de la/de l'/des turn into de or d'.
   - See the chart below for examples.

Les verbes pouvoir et vouloir.

- Both pouvoir and vouloir are irregular verbs, and are conjugated simularly.
   - Pouvoir means to be able to or to can.
   - Vouloir means to want to or to want.

NOTE : In the negative, you put ne... pas around pouvoir and vouloir.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

BV1 Chapter 4.


Le fils/la fille = The son, the daughter.

L'anniversaire = The birthday.

Un gâteau = A cake.

Le père = The Father

La mère = The mother.

La maison = the house.


Le verbe avoir au présent

- Avoir means to have.
- It is irregular and conjugates differently.

NOTE : Avoir is also used to express age.
   - J'ai quatorze ans.

Les adjectifs possessifs

- Possesive adjectives display ownership/possesion of something. 
   - Adjectives agree with what they own, not the person/thing doing the owning.
   - Mon, ton, son, notre, votre, and leur all mean : My, your, his/hers, ours, yours, and their respectively.

D'autres adjectifs

-  Most adjectives in French come after the noun, but some common nouns describing size, beauty, ages, ETC. come before the noun.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

BV1 Chapter 3.


Une maison = A house.

Quitter = to leave.

Écouter = to listen.

Parler = to speak.

Un livre = a book.


Les verbes réguliers en -er au présent.

- -Er verbs are regular verbs left in the infinitive.
   - They are called regular verbs because they follow a conjugation pattern.

- Step one to conjugate is to remove the -er and get the stem.

- Step two is to add the endings according to the subject.

- NOTE : The word On is conjugated following the same pattern as il/elle. It is often used to say "We" "people" or "they".

La négation des articles indéfinis.

- When indefinite articles un, une, and des are in the negative, they change into de or d'.
   - See the chart below for examples.

Verbe + infinitif.

- When two verbs are in a sentence next to each other, you only conjugate the first one, and the second is left in the infinitive.

EXAMPLE : Il aime rigoler. (He likes to read).
EXAMPLE: J'adore écouter la radio. (I love to listen to the radio).
EXAMPLE: On déteste travailler. (One hates to work).

BV1 Chapter 2.


Le/la prof = The teacher.

La classe = The class.

Les matières = The school subjects.

Intelligent = Smart/intelligent.

Sympathique = nice/sympathetic.


Le pluriel: articles, noms et adjectifs

- Un, une, le, la, and l' are all singular markers.
- The plural forms are show below.

- The s at the end of the plural forms is not pronounced.
- When nouns are plural, and adjective modifying it must also be plural.
   - Most adjectives are made plural by adding an s but this s is not pronounced.

Le verbe être au pluriel

- Être means to be.
   - For in depth see Ch.1
   - Plural conjugations included below.

Tu et vous

-Both Tu and Vous mean "you".
   - Tu is informal and singular. 
      - It is used with friends, people you've known for a long time, and is singular.
   - Vous is formal and plural.
      - It is used for people that are higher ranking than you, older by around 20 years, a stranger, or a group of people.

BV1 Chapter 1.


un(e) ami(e) = A friend. 

la sœur = Sister.

le frère = Brother.

un élève = A student.

le garçon = the boy.

la fille = the girl.


Les Articles au singulier.

- All nouns in French have genders.
   - Une and un are gender markers.
   - They correspond with a(an) in English.
   - Une accompanies and feminine noun, un accompanies a masculine noun.

- Le and la are also gender markers.
  - They correspond with the in English.
  - Le is masculin, and la is feminine.

L'accord des adjectifs.

- Adjective describe nouns.
   - In French, adjectives must agree with gender and number with the noun it modifies.

- Some  adjectives always end in "E" so they will be the same for both genders.

Le verbe être au singulier.

- Être means to be in French.
   - It is irregular, so it does not follow a conjugation pattern. 

- Je = ITu = You(s), Il = He, Elle = She.

La négation.

- Negating a sentence in French involves the use of two words.
   - You must surround the verd with ne... pas.
   - If the verb starts with a vowel, ne turns into n'.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Les Triplettes de Belleville.

   L'histoire compris le petit-fils, la grande-mère, le chef mafieux, la Mafia, le chien, les jumeaux mafieux, le Kidnappeur, et les triplettes de Belleville. L'histoire est en trois endroits, Paris, Marseille, et Belleville. L'histoire a lieu de 1940-1950. Le petit-fils qui s'appelle Champion. Champion participe au Tour de France. La Mafia a besoin pour les coureurs pour les jeux d'argent. Ils kidnappent Champion et causent lui faire. La grande-mère et les Triplettes de Bellville vont à Champion. Les femmes sauvent Champion de la Mafia.

   J'aime le film. J'apprécie l'animation. Je pense que le bruitage est bon. Je déteste le pénurie de conversation. À mon avis, le bruitage, l'animation, et la musique fait le film français. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Post Test Blog.

Salut! Je m'appelle Grant Fecteau. Il est mardi, février dix-sept. Je suis un grand américain. Je suis un élève de Mullen. Je suis fort en l'informatique et l'histoire. Je suis mauvis en la littérature. En classe nous lèvons les mains poser une question. Nous n'utlisons pas de règle. Moi sœur est une voyageuse. Elle faire une voyage à destination de France. L'nourriture beaucoup est différent. En France, pain est un plat principle, en America pain est un petit plat. Les voitures sont différents aussi. En la France l'horaire d'école est différent. Mercredi est briser de l'école en France. En America Lundi-Vendredi est école. L'horaire d'école et l'nourriture sont très différents en America et France!  

Salut! et Merci!

Grammar = Italicized and Bolded

Vocab = Bolded

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Poem Interpretation.


Ma mignonne,
Je vous donne
Le bon jour;
Le séjour
C’est prison.
Puis ouvrez
Votre porte
Et qu’on sorte
Car Clément
Le vous mande.
Va, friande
De ta bouche,
Qui se couche
En danger
Pour manger
Si tu dures
Trop malade,
Couleur fade
Tu prendras,
Et perdras
Dieu te doint
Santé bonne,
Ma mignonne.

My Version

Girl in bed
Rest your head
I send hope
That you cope
Keep your mind
You will find
Go out-doors
Walk the floors
You must go
For Fecteau
Wants you to
Return too
Enjoy life
Do not strife
While asleep
Try to keep
Food a-plenty
Waste no pennies
Much too ill
So stay still
Don't get taken
By sickness
Your thickness
You must keep
Now go sleep
Rest your head
Girl in bed.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Je suis Charlie

On January 7th, 2015, 12 people were killed in a satirical publications office name Charlie Hebdo. Terrorists attacked the building and the writers because there were drawings of their prophet Muhhamand, which the terrorists saw as offensive. One of the biggest issues of this is the suppression of the freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is one of the biggest freedoms that humans have, and these terrorists are the ones who took it away, along with the lives of the writers. #JeSuisCharlie is the saying that is exiting the mouths of many many people. It stands for "I am Charlie". Everyone saying these words stands for freedom of speech, and remembers the writers and police officers who were killed in this event. They live on through the people who say and write these words.