Sunday, May 24, 2015

BV1 Chapter 8.


Une valise = a suitcase.

Un écran = A screen.

Atterrir = Take off.

Dormir = To sleep.

Un vol = A flight.


Les verbes en -ir au présent

- Ir verbs are regular verbs that end in -ir.
   - They conjugated differently than -er verbs.
   - The  first step is to remove the endings and find the stem, then you add -is , -is, -it, -issons, -issez,    -issent.

See the table below for a few examples.

Quel et tout

- Quel can mean "what" or "which" depending on where it is used.
   - It is oftent used in asking questions.

- Every form of Quel is pronounced the same, but changes spelling between masucline and feminine singular forms, and plural (m) and plural (f).

- The word tout + le/la mean the whole or the entire.
- The masculine form for singular and plural is prounounced the same.
- The Feminin version for singular and plural also share the same pronounciation.

- See the chart below for differences in spelling.

NOTE : Tout + les = all.
NOTE: Everyone = Tout le monde.

Les verbes sortir, partir, dormir, et servir.

- The verbs sortir, partir, dormir, and servir are all irregular verbs.
   - Each one of them shares very similar conjugations.
   - All of them are window verbs.
- Sortir is to take or to take out, partir is to leave, dormir means to sleep, and servir means to serve

- See the table below for the conjugations of each of these verbs.


BV1 Chapter 7.


Les vêtements sport = Casual clothes.

Un short = Shorts.

Jaune = yellow.

Une basket = Sneakers.

Un polo (À manches longues) = A polo with long sleeves.


Le verbe mettre au présent

- Mettre means to put on or to put.
- It is irregular, so it does not follow a conjugation pattern.
   - It is a window verb, the conjugations on the left have the same stem, and the ones on the right share the same stem.

Le comparitif des adjectifs.

- When comparing two things you use plus (more) ...que, aussi (equal) ...que, and moins (less) ...que.
   - Que in comaparative sentences means "than".

- Some examples are below.

- The jeans are more expensive than the pants.
- The jeans are the same price as the pants.
- The jeans are less expensive than the pants.

Stress Pronouns

Je ---> Moi
Tu ---> Toi
Il ---> Lui
Ils ---> eux

Stress pronouns are used when comparing people, on the four listed above change from their subject forms.

Les verbes voir et croire

- Voir means "to see". It is irregular, and a boot verb.
- Croire means "to believe". It is also an irregular boot verb.
   - A boot verb is a verb that the conjugations for Je, Tu, Il/Elle/On, and Ils/Elles all share the same stem.
   - Voir and Croire are conjugated very similarly.

Friday, May 22, 2015

BV1 Chapter 5.


Un(e) serveu(se)r = The waiter/waitress.

Trouver une table = To look for a table.

De l'argent = Some money.

J'ai faim = I am hungry.

J'ai soif = I am thirsty.


Le verbe aller au présent

- The verb aller meaning to go is an irregular verb.
   - See its conjugations below.

Aller + infinitif

- Using aller + and infinitive describes what will happen in the future.
   - To make a negative sentence, you surround aller with ne... pas

EXAMPLE : Je vais écouter la radio. (I am going to listen to the radio).
EXAMPLE : Tu ne vas pas écouter la radio. (You are not going to listen to the radio).

Les  contractions avec à et de.

- À + le = au
- À + la = à la
- À + les = aux
- À + l' = À l'

- De can mean of, from, or about. De contracts with le and les to form one word.

- De + le = Du
- De + les = Des
- De + la = De la
- De + l' = De l'

Le verbe prendre au présent

- Prendre means to have(with foods) or to take.
   - It is irregular.
   - The conjugations for it are below.

NOTE : The two verbs comprendre (To understand) and apprendre (To learn) are conjugated the same way are prendre, just with ap and com added to the front.

BV1 Chapter 6.


Le/la marchand(e) = The merchant.

À la poissonnerie = At the fish shop.

À la boucherie = at the butcher.

À la crémerie = At the dairy store.

À l'épicerie = At the spice shop.

De la viande = some meat.


Le verbe faire au présent

- The verb faire means to make or to do.
   - It is irregular, conjugations are below.
   - Faire is used a lot in french, especially in sayings that do not translate directly.

Le partitif et l'article défini.

- The definite articles le/la/les/l' are all used to talk about something in a general sense.
   - When using du/des/d l'/de la you are saying some of something or any of something.

- I like chicken. ---> I would like some chicken.
- I like meat. ----> I would like some meat.
- I like mineral water. ----> I would like some mineral water.
- I like apples. ----> I would like some apples.

Le partitif au négatif

- After negation, all forms of du/de la/de l'/des turn into de or d'.
   - See the chart below for examples.

Les verbes pouvoir et vouloir.

- Both pouvoir and vouloir are irregular verbs, and are conjugated simularly.
   - Pouvoir means to be able to or to can.
   - Vouloir means to want to or to want.

NOTE : In the negative, you put ne... pas around pouvoir and vouloir.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

BV1 Chapter 4.


Le fils/la fille = The son, the daughter.

L'anniversaire = The birthday.

Un gâteau = A cake.

Le père = The Father

La mère = The mother.

La maison = the house.


Le verbe avoir au présent

- Avoir means to have.
- It is irregular and conjugates differently.

NOTE : Avoir is also used to express age.
   - J'ai quatorze ans.

Les adjectifs possessifs

- Possesive adjectives display ownership/possesion of something. 
   - Adjectives agree with what they own, not the person/thing doing the owning.
   - Mon, ton, son, notre, votre, and leur all mean : My, your, his/hers, ours, yours, and their respectively.

D'autres adjectifs

-  Most adjectives in French come after the noun, but some common nouns describing size, beauty, ages, ETC. come before the noun.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

BV1 Chapter 3.


Une maison = A house.

Quitter = to leave.

Écouter = to listen.

Parler = to speak.

Un livre = a book.


Les verbes réguliers en -er au présent.

- -Er verbs are regular verbs left in the infinitive.
   - They are called regular verbs because they follow a conjugation pattern.

- Step one to conjugate is to remove the -er and get the stem.

- Step two is to add the endings according to the subject.

- NOTE : The word On is conjugated following the same pattern as il/elle. It is often used to say "We" "people" or "they".

La négation des articles indéfinis.

- When indefinite articles un, une, and des are in the negative, they change into de or d'.
   - See the chart below for examples.

Verbe + infinitif.

- When two verbs are in a sentence next to each other, you only conjugate the first one, and the second is left in the infinitive.

EXAMPLE : Il aime rigoler. (He likes to read).
EXAMPLE: J'adore écouter la radio. (I love to listen to the radio).
EXAMPLE: On déteste travailler. (One hates to work).

BV1 Chapter 2.


Le/la prof = The teacher.

La classe = The class.

Les matières = The school subjects.

Intelligent = Smart/intelligent.

Sympathique = nice/sympathetic.


Le pluriel: articles, noms et adjectifs

- Un, une, le, la, and l' are all singular markers.
- The plural forms are show below.

- The s at the end of the plural forms is not pronounced.
- When nouns are plural, and adjective modifying it must also be plural.
   - Most adjectives are made plural by adding an s but this s is not pronounced.

Le verbe être au pluriel

- Être means to be.
   - For in depth see Ch.1
   - Plural conjugations included below.

Tu et vous

-Both Tu and Vous mean "you".
   - Tu is informal and singular. 
      - It is used with friends, people you've known for a long time, and is singular.
   - Vous is formal and plural.
      - It is used for people that are higher ranking than you, older by around 20 years, a stranger, or a group of people.