Tuesday, December 16, 2014



I can see it being easy to stick to english speakers when traveling. Uncomfortable situations always do seem to help motivate people to learn more. Why do different countries use different credit cards?

Why don't you use nous when in France? A french speaking friends seems like they would help a lot by teaching the slang. It's weird that they use words backwards in France.

Children in France seem very intelligent to teach their language to Americans. Finding comedians or watching YouTube seems like an enjoyable way to learn.

The culture sounds much different in France than it is in America. Live to Work V.S Work to Live.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Le Thanksgiving Joies

Salut! Il ya deux jours etait Le Thanksgiving. Ma famille, mes amis, et moi. Nous mangeons trop dinde, tarte à la citrouille, et la purée. Nous regardons le défilé de Thanksgiving, et le football américain. Ma mère mon père moi et ma soeur dormons bien. Je suis très reconnaissante pour ma famille  mes amis et ma maison.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Pre-Test Post

     Our culture is much different from most of the world's. We will learn about this in French 1 A this tri.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

C'est Moi

   Hello, my name is Grant Fecteau, and I a Freshmen at Mullen Highschool. I was born in California, but moved to Colorado when I was 4 months old. I am an American. I have traveled all over America, and into Canada. I have visited somewhere around 35 states, and hope one day to leave the US other than going to Puerto Rico. My Passion is related to computers and computer science. I am taking french because my sister told me how fun it was, and also I have always been interested in French and Italian.

   Salut! Je m'appelle Grant Fecteau. Il est 2:49 heures, de l'après-midi. Merci for reading! À bientôt!